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1. Margaret Tierney
She opens her hand to the poor prov. 31:20
“A big influence in his home at Westcourt was Edmund’s mother, Margaret Tierney…here you would get heat by the fire, a bite to eat, and shelter from wind and rain. Her half door was an open door; her hospitality never half-hearted.”
His mother’s kindly caring is not lost on Edmund. Edmund cares not only for school children, he cares for their parents too. He cherishes the sick and comforts those in prison.
Here is a scene depicting a traditional Irish event, the family Rosary. It was part of the daily routine in the Rice home, and in the panel, the woman leading the prayers represents Margaret Rice, Edmund’s mother. The curving, rhythmic shapes around the group betoken the mantra-like manner in which the Rosary was recited or intoned, and the all-pervasive, ever-present Divinity spiral moves through the family circle. The imagery has a message for a generation that has let the tradition of the family Rosary die out.
Edmund Rice Education Australia Colleges LTD,
Trading as Ignatius Park College. ABN: 58 395 448 571
There are 10 weeks in Term 1
384 Ross River Road,
Cranbrook, Townsville
Queensland, 4814
Acknowledgement of Country
The Ignatius Park College Community would like to humbly acknowledge the Wulgurukaba peoples on whose land our College is located, as well as the Bindal peoples on whose land many of us live and travel across daily. We respectfully thank the elders of this traditional land both past and present for guiding us through the journey of time to where we are today.